Seller Verification Declaration
About this declaration

This declaration must be completed by any person or registered entity who, as a seller of ACT Land, is lodging any of the following dutiable documents;

  • Determination/surrender of a Crown Lease
  • Notice of appointment/retirement of trustee
  • Transfer
  • Transmission application (only in cases of bankruptcy)

All transactions of land are to be lodged in accordance with the Land Titles Act 1925 (the Act). You can access the Act at You may also obtain further information and forms at

Instructions for completion
  • When completing the property details section of this form, the unit number entered must be registered unit number and not the door number. For a single unit, the registered unit number must be entered in the "unit" field. Multiple units (with the same owner) in a complex can use the "unit numbers" field, for example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-12.
  • All Information when completing this form must be typed in CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • This declaration must be completed by a seller of ACT Land. In cases where there is more than one seller, each seller must complete and submit separate declarations
  • Each seller must provide all relevant information  
  • After submitting this declaration, an email will be sent to your nominated email address which includes the "Reference code", "Submission date" and "Seller's name"
  • Each reference code and submission date is to be recorded on the relevant transaction form in the "Reference Code" and "Submission Date" fields
  • Once submitted, this form is only valid for 12 months.
  • All identification (ID) must be valid and current
  • Foreign citizens holding a passport must supply their current passport details
  • Foreign citizens holding an Australian visa must supply their current visa details
  • Company, company trustees and Government entities must provide an ABN/ACN

Access Canberra

Phone: 02 6207 0491
Online: Contact us form

Your personal information
Access Canberra collects your personal and sensitive information that is reasonably necessary for or directly related to the functions, activities or services provided to you by on behalf of the ACT Government. Information collected and used for the purpose of buyer verification includes information about your identity and may include sensitive information, is authorised by s178A and 178B of the  Land Titles Act 1925. This information may also disclosed to your nominated legal representative where you provide your consent for them to receive this information, or where a permitted exception to disclosure under the  Information Privacy Act 2014 applies. If you have questions about how your information will be handled please see the   Access Canberra Privacy Policy or contact us.

Solicitor’s email address
Note:  this field is not mandatory. If you provide your solicitor’s email address, you are consenting to the information, including your personal and sensitive information  being disclosed to them. 
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